Usługi księgowe dla Biznesu

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Outsourcing procesów biznesowych

Our ‘Business Process Outsourcing’ service consists of shifting tasks from your Financial and Accounting departments to getsix® in the following areas:

  • Converting and designing Accounting processes and procedures, along with their records Accounting for the client’s national and/or international business environment
  • Recording large numbers of business transactions in Accounting books
  • Settling Business Transactions and Cash-Flow Reporting
  • Accounting and Management Accounting (‘Accounts Payable’ and ‘Accounts Receivables’ pages to follow)
  • Tax Accounting (CIT, PIT, VAT etc.)
  • Payroll Administration
  • Personnel Administration
  • Supplementary services requested by our clients (the so-called ‘supply chain’)

Depending on our client’s requirements, getsix® performs all or selected tasks of the ‘Financial and Accounting Department’. Our experience, expertise and a broad range of established solutions, shared with our commitment to learn our client’s business specifics are replicated in our first-class offering.

In comparison to Accounting services rendered to smaller business entities, getsix® services’ added value lies in advising on transforming and designing the Financial and Accounting Departments. The drive behind this transformation is to simplify our client’s business operations based on our expertise in organisation and management.

Below are the key stages of the transformation process, which include:

  • Analysing and describing the department prior to the transformation process
  • Re-engineering Accounting processes
  • Project management, including change management
  • Applying best practices based on international expertise in the organisation of Financial and Accounting Departments
  • Developing project documentation, monitoring and self-improvement
  • Selecting and monitoring resources, in particular, work force, IT and premises
  • getsix® enables its clients to enjoy freedom of choice in regard of contracting out selected processes (e.g. invoicing and A/R), selecting HR, IT and other resources.

The ‘Business Process Outsourcing’ that getsix® delivers to its clients, goes hand-in-hand with organisational and process-oriented advice taking over responsibility for on-going task management. In this way as part of the Accounting function getsix®facilitate and streamline your business activities.

For more information on getsix® ‘Business Process Outsourcing’ service, please contact us.

Last modified: 20 października, 2021